The most exciting news, of course, is the birth of the twins! We have been watching Becky grow for 8-1/2 months now, and we happy for their safe delivery! We are so thrilled to welcome these baby boys into our family! Born March 3, 2011, named Grey and Micah. This is such a nice time of the year to be born, just like little lambs!

Becky and Travis have kept us supplied with wonderful photos and a thorough, step by step, explanation of how they are doing. They still have the feeding tubes directing their mother's milk into their stomachs, and they are also nursing well. Soon they won't need the tubes at all and perhaps this week they will be removed and will be able to go home from the hospital. They are two week old right now. We never cease to be amazed at the the birth process! Always a miracle! In this photo they remind me of the little Swedish elves we put out at Christmas! So cute!
Last year I planted a forsythia bush next to the house and this spring it is full of bright yellow blossoms! My Grandma Mary always had forsythia bushes and I loved them. I don't know why I waited so long to acquire my own! The daffodils blooming in the front yard complement it beautifully in the exact same shade of yellow. A very happy color, don't you think?
I love this time of year when the threat of cold weather has departed and the hope of all things renewed is bursting forth. Some of you may not be quite there yet, but it is coming!
Love to all,