A beautiful picture of Keira and Renn!
March 14, 2009
Las Vegas Temple

Above, take a look at this cute picture of Deanne and Renn Patch! I love it! We were so delighted to have them drive down from Utah for our Renn's wedding. Tom came too! You may or may not know that Renn and Deanne are leaving July 1st for London where Renn has been called to be the new mission president there. We are so very excited for them!
Kathy and Carl Grimshaw
Mike, me-Marcie, Kathy and Carl. What a treat to have one of my all-time best friends and her darling husband show up for the big event! They were visting Jordan and Adam and families in Boise, ID and arranged to catch us on their way home to San Diego!
Hope you all are enjoying this photos! Don't forget to leave a comment!
Love ya! ~Marcie