PATCH-IT-ALL ....our family blog
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Welcome to Virginia Beach
Chris - Tatum - Gina - Ethan
We had the pleasure of having the Winspears come to visit us! We were really excited for my brother Chris and his family to come and visit us for the first time since living here. They spent a few very busy days in Washington, D.C. and then drove to our house. We encouraged them to relax and enjoy the beach, and they did! They also went to Busch Gardens and Historic Williamsburg. The weather was great while they were here (if you call hot and humid "great"). These kids are so adorable! We really enjoyed them!
We went to eat at Surfrider by the water and Ethan didn't know what to do without his I-Pod, so he worked on making Baba Lou's famous lemonade: Squeeze the juice from the lemon into your water and add sweetner! Of course then he had to pick out the seeds to blow from his straw. Uncle Mike may have contributed some instructions for this.Tatum, the perfect child at all times, simple rolled her eyes at her brother's antics.
What a nice week we had here at the beach!
Love to all, MOM
Monday, July 18, 2011
What I did on my summer vacation
The year was 1957 and our family once again took a road trip across the country, traveling from Buffalo, NY to Utah for Aunt Kathy's wedding. This was the year I got my long, shoulder length hair cut off at my mother's insistence, and Linda and I got our first perm for the wedding. Mom said it was Aunt Kathy's idea, and we would do anything for Kathy, so we went to the beauty parlor and got the whole smelly routine. My hair smelled every time it got wet for the next six months. The above photo must have been on our way home when we stopped at Yellowstone National Park to see Old Faithful and the mountain full of presidents. This Indian stood around the lodge so people could take photos of him. He certainly looks authentic.
This summer my "vacation" was going to Arizona to check on the work being done to our house and to pick out carpeting, tile, paint and lighting. I actually got it all done and feel good about that! Hopefully it will all be finished before we go back there at Christmastime.
This photo is looking into the dining room and living room where the wall was taken down. You can see all the paint colors I was trying on the LR wall. I think I found a good one! Of course that remains to be seen. The guys were plastering ceiling and walls last week while I was there. If you notice the fireplace on the right hand wall you can see where they raised it off the floor so they can built a raised hearth and add stone and a mantel. I wish one of my talented sons was close by to do some of this for us, but life does not seem to grant us those favors.
I had a nice time visiting with Grampa Jim. We managed to go for Mexican food a few times, so that made me happy! Grampa is doing well. He had some skin cancer removed from his face while I was there and now sports stitches and big bandages. Of course we all know that that will never keep him out of the sun. He goes to the pool every day and walks back and forth in the water to exercise his legs. We also had to go with him to Ted's Hotdog Stand for hotdogs. Ted's originated in Buffalo, and is a place where Grampa went all the time when he was a kid. For him it is a treat, and a walk down memory lane.
I didn't take any other photos, sorry. But I did enjoy time with Danielle and Anna Marie, who are now in Pennsylvania visiting her family. Also Mary and Matt and I watched movies and enjoyed each other. Mostly I ran around looking for things for the house.
Now I am home again and looking forward to Chris and Gina and Ethan and Tatum, who will be arriving on Monday! What a treat! Can't wait!
Love to all,
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Don't Miss the Eagle Cam
I have been watching this eagle cam in Decorah, Iowa all week. It has been amazing to see the eagles care for their newly hatched chicks. It reminds me of Becky and the twins. I watch as the momma eagle nods off and then wakes herself up again.The little baby chicks flail around with beaks open wanting to be fed.
How the eagle avoids stepping on her babies with those big claws, I have no idea, but she gently settles herself over them and tucks them in against the cold, windy Iowa weather. There are no leaves on the trees yet, and it has been raining all week. You hear other animals in the background on occasion, like geese I am hearing pass by right now.
They say that this nest is five to six feet across and weighs 1-1/2 tons! It is located above a fish hatchery in Decorah, which accounts for why I so often see fish laying in the nest.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Spring Brings New Life
It has been several months since I wrote on this blog, so I better catch up. Matt just called from Roatan and all is well. He says the water is fabulous and his accommodations are fine. I was so happy to hear from him. He is seeing huge lobster and other things in the water. Enjoying all the snorkeling. Says he takes a water taxi for $3 to the other end of the island where he like it better. No internet, but he bought a cell phone with minutes he can purchase as needed, so that is awesome! He has been there a week already!

The most exciting news, of course, is the birth of the twins! We have been watching Becky grow for 8-1/2 months now, and we happy for their safe delivery! We are so thrilled to welcome these baby boys into our family! Born March 3, 2011, named Grey and Micah. This is such a nice time of the year to be born, just like little lambs!

Becky and Travis have kept us supplied with wonderful photos and a thorough, step by step, explanation of how they are doing. They still have the feeding tubes directing their mother's milk into their stomachs, and they are also nursing well. Soon they won't need the tubes at all and perhaps this week they will be removed and will be able to go home from the hospital. They are two week old right now. We never cease to be amazed at the the birth process! Always a miracle! In this photo they remind me of the little Swedish elves we put out at Christmas! So cute!
Last year I planted a forsythia bush next to the house and this spring it is full of bright yellow blossoms! My Grandma Mary always had forsythia bushes and I loved them. I don't know why I waited so long to acquire my own! The daffodils blooming in the front yard complement it beautifully in the exact same shade of yellow. A very happy color, don't you think?
I love this time of year when the threat of cold weather has departed and the hope of all things renewed is bursting forth. Some of you may not be quite there yet, but it is coming!
Love to all,
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