It has been a few years since Liz and I have seen one another also. We spent the afternoon together and then went for pizza before Liz took the long trek home. It was so sweet of her to drive so far (3 hours) just to come and see me! Liz has a very nice blog that I enjoy reading. She has a nice writing style and talks good sense. Check it out!

Here is Jennie's kitty with whom I shared my bed and room and apparently my fabric purchases. Jennie and I had fun together. We visited a couple of quilt shops! She knows how to show her mom a good time! The week went quickly. I am thinking I may go back there in September. There is a big quilt show there that I wouldn't mind going to. Luckily Jennie enjoys looking at quilts and even making them. So we always can find a project to enjoy together!